The Rule of the Order of the Lay Priesthood (OLP)
Every order has a rule which helps define it and unifies its members. Ideally, the rule of this order should include:
1) Sincere recitation of a daily offering in the morning, either that used by the Apostleship of prayer or in one's own words, uniting one's entire day to the perfect work of Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls, the souls in Purgatory and/or the needs of the Church or a private intention,
2) Living one's day as best one can in accord with the offering above,
3) Aspiring to live one's primary vocation as fully and devotedly as possible,
4) performing some ministry or service to the Church on an ongoing basis, and
5) Recitation of a few prayers nightly with an intercessory intention.
In light of the wealth of prayers in the catholic tradition, it is recommended that nightly prayers incorporate some variety. Recommended prayers include:
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
The Rosary or a portion thereof
The Stations of the Cross
The Angelus
The Prayer to Saint Michael
(when in need see the long version at
The Prayer of Saint Gertrude the Great
Meditation on Scripture
Charismatic prayer
Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament